Anyone who needs to make changes to their VAT details now needs to do this online through their VAT online account. Prior to August 5, you could use the VAT484 form, or another postal or electronic method. But this is being phased out.
The digital route is more secure and prevents delays in making the changes, according to HMRC, although anyone who is digitally excluded, for example, can still apply for changes by post on a VAT484 form.
What happens if I am overseas?
If you are based overseas, then you will need to call HMRC to make the changes as these cannot be done online and you will still need to use the VAT484 form. This can be used to change your business name or your phone number if you or your company must pay VAT.
Also, remember to update your Companies House record if you are changing your business name or the address of your business. Any other changes, such as using a different bank account, also need to be communicated as soon as possible to prevent any problems. You can find out more about how to make the changes on
Let us help you
If you need to make changes to any aspect of your VAT, business or personal details with HMRC or Companies House, then please get in touch and we will be happy to offer you the help and guidance you need.