VAT Bureau

VAT Returns getting you down?

Compliance with VAT is complex. Investigations by the VAT Man can be intense – all the more important that your VAT returns are completed correctly.

There are three methods we can use to assist in completion of VAT returns…

  1. Let us do your book-keeping and we complete the return from there
  2. Give us your books and we’ll complete the return for you
  3. Provide training on how to complete your return

We complete VAT returns in good time to ensure you avoid any penalties.

In addition we can assist with…

  • Applying for VAT registration
  • Advice on the VAT schemes suitable to your business
  • VAT planning
  • Dealing with any disputes that arise with Customs
  • Attendance at VAT inspections

Accounting & Auditing

Accounts Preparation:
Do you need accurate accounts provided on time?

Do you know why you need an audit or why you should have one?


Personal Tax:
Need help with your Tax Return or want to pay less tax?

Tax Returns and Self Assessment:
Who said Tax doesn’t have to be taxing?


Bookkeeping Healthcheck:
Stressed out with bookkeeping?

Accounting Software:
Simple is good, Simple and effective is better.


Payroll and PAYE Returns:
Everything seemed fine running your own business until the day you took on your first employee and became an unpaid tax collector.

PAYE Healthcheck:
Worried about a PAYE Inspection?

VAT Registration & Healthcheck

Need advice on whether to register for VAT? Or worried about a VAT inspection?

For VAT registration we can assist with…

  • Advising if you need to or if it would be beneficial to register
  • Completion of the VAT registration forms and formalities
  • Advising on the best VAT schemes to use suitable to your business – some you have to notify HMRC you are using and some you don’t

In addition we can assist with…

  • Completion of VAT Returns or training on how to complete them
  • VAT planning
  • Dealing with any contentious disputes that arise with Customs
  • Attendance at VAT inspections

Worried about a VAT Inspection?

Our VAT Healthcheck service is designed to find any VAT issues before the VAT Man does!

Why not call us in prior to any visit?

The healthcheck can..

  • Review and sample check your accounting records for errors
  • Sample test the most common errors that the VAT inspectors look for
  • Statistically analyse your completed VAT returns
  • Sample check the completion of VAT returns
  • Compare your VAT returns against your annual accounts
  • Check the VAT treatment of your sales
  • Consider whether you are making best use of relevant VAT schemes
  • Ensure you are correctly applying the rules of VAT schemes
  • Identify VAT planning opportunities.

Lets talk!

Whether you’re starting from scratch or have been in business for years you’ll benefit from working with Morgan Griffiths. Get in touch to see what we can do for you.